Complecting the Cylinders of the Pharaoh
1. Two cylinders with holographic images at faces.
2. Special soft encasement keeping the cylinders from damages and scratches.
3. Certificate with 10 degrees of protection, certified by V.P. Kovtun.
4. Video-tape with film "Cylinders of the Pharaoh" and excercise of doctor T.Meshkova.
5. Curative methods.
6. Manual.
The holographic images at faces of cylinders don't affect their work and
are the protection against fake. The face of Solar (copper) Cylinder has an
image of a solar disk and inscription in Russian: "Цилиндры Фараона". The
face of Lunar (zinc) Cylinder has an image of a Moon and inscription in
English: "Cylinders of the Pharaoh".

The time of avaliability of the Cylinders of the Pharaoh is unlimited.
Keep it with care. They don't need any recharges. After dozens of years
they will serve your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
You can order the Cylinders of the Pharaohs and ask any questions to the author using this e-mail:
Clients in North America and Australia, please contact our official representative:
Patricia Baker
The Big Picture Agency LLC
Voice: 413-569-1595
Fax: 413-569-6848
Recently the information on Cylinders of the Pharaoh was spread quite
widely, that has resulted in many fakes and modern modifications as
"cores", "baton" etc. As a rule, this is two glasses from copper and alloy
of zinc with lead ("authors", not owning exact recipes and technology of
manufacturing of a zinc glass, are to add lead, harmful for human health,
to increase the viscosity of fragile zinc), filled with either similar
substances, or mixtures, having no any relation to genuine ones. Once again
we ask for your attention for the degree of protection of "Cylinders of the
The physical characteristics of Cylinders' fillings are property of
V.P.Kovtun, they are confirmed by the patent, are strictly kept during
manufacturing of Cylinders, are checked on the special equipment and are
confirmed by the author's certificate of quality.
Recommendation For Use
The surface of Cylinders darkens under their regular use that is natural
process and does not influence their curative properties. The Cylinders can
be celaned like this: Solar (copper) - by citric acid, Lunar (zinc) - any
cleansing pastes with little abrasive effect.
Few Words From V.P. Kovtun
Farther and farther from us departs in time the country of Great Pharaohs.
Bodies of millions of Egyptians turned to ashes in the sands, their
thoughts, feelings, hate and
love have dissipated in abyss of Space. Forever colossi of Memnon are
silent, and only huge Sphinx near Great pyramids is looking into the
eternity, turning to it the mutilated face...
Hieroglyphs are read, dates of government of Pharaohs of 26 dynasties are
determined more precisely, a tenor of life of the people and its rituals
are described, museum exhibits are placed on shelves, but something yet,
very important is remained untold out. And we feel this. The hope to touch
the high Knowledge does not leave us. And they really tell about themselves
with power of amazing art, unmeasured till now depth of pages of "the Book
of Dead". This knowledge will come many times, as Cylinders of the Pharaoh
came to us today.
Sincerely yours, V.P. Kovtun.
Brief Information About the Researcher of Cylinders of the Pharaoh
V.P. Kovtun is a candidate of physics- mathematics sciences, senior
scientific collaborator, painter. Exhibitions of his works took place in
Georgia, Saint-Petersburg, Krakov, Poznan.
Click here to familiarize
with several works of V.P. Kovtun.
Author of 30 scientific works on physics of plasma, separation of isotopes
and theory of critical condition of the matter. His books are: "The Great
Mystery of Hermes ("The Intriguing World of Physics"), S-Pb, "Delta". 1997,
and "Cylinders of the Pharaoh". Bratislava. "Ariadna" 1999. For more than
20 years researches he the phenomenon of Cylinders of the Pharaoh.