Protocol Of Thermovisional Assays
of thermovisional assays of the
Cylinders of the "Egyptian Pharaohs"
The assays were held in the thermodiagnostical laboratory under optimal
conditions: temperature - 22 +1,0 0C, air moisture -
The research was made using domestic fast thermovisor TV-03.
10 persons were tested.
Method of research was the following: firstly, the thermal fields of shed
anatomic zones were examined, then the probationer according to the
instruction held the Cylinders of the "Egyptian Pharaohs" for 5 minutes.
After that the thermal fields were examined for the second time.
As the
examined anatomic zones hands, cervical-pectoral vertebrae and lower limbs
were taken. Together with examining of the thermovisional dynamics of
aforenamed zones several persons were checked the pulse and general
Results of the researches.
7 probationers had the examinations of limbs of the same method. From the
first minute the probationers felt a pulse wave from left to right. From
the second minute the feeling of blood-filling the vessels is marked
(vascular stage). From the third minute the increase of IR-emission from
upper right limb is marked. Form the fifth minute the equation of thermal
fields of limbs takes place. The dynamics of IR-emission changed from 2,0
to 1,2 (according to the scale of thermal profile). Together with that the
probationers noticed general increase of activity, boost of pulse by 8-10%
(form 72 to 80 per minute).
7 probationers had the examinations of cervical-pectoral vertebrae. It is
noticed that by the first minute comes the equation of thermal asymmetry of
cervical-pectoral vertebrae, and by the second minute of influence to the
hands the heating of cervical-pectoral vertebrae takes place. Herewith all
the probationers had medium face hyperthermia. Lower limbs do not answer
the influence of the Cylinders in the same rate under 5 minute exposition.
Without filling the Cylinders of the "Egyptian Pharaoh" affect the person
not so intensively (less intensive hyperthermia).
Thus it is elicited that the contact-reflex influence to the hand surface
changes the IR-emission from the upper limbs, cervical-pectoral vertebrae,
that is probably connected with involving the vegetative neural system into
the process, and the mechanism of the influence itself has a
reflex-vascular nature.
Banking on the results of thermovisional research and several traditional
methods it can be made a conclusion that the Cylinders of the "Egyptian
Pharaohs" affecting the hand surface cause energetic "activation" of the
tissues of the upper limbs and the whole organism as well. Isolating
"contrasting" focuses of pathological thermal asymmetry tells of curative
and diagnostic
19 April 1993
Senior sc. collaborator SRI SP,
Candidate of medical sciences
Nuculin M.A.